Making Perfect Business Sense
Quickerexchange (Quickergroup) is the only trade materials and product exchange platform for all industries. Designed to take the worries out of cash flow outages and give trade and manufacturing more movement. This invaluable tool will allow companies who may have materials or products that hold monetary value, for which a sale has collapsed or is surplus to requirement; to exchange with another company. Both companies can benefit from exchanging goods to a similar negotiated value, and then complete a sale releasing valuable cash equity back into the company where it can be put to work. Quickerexchange will allow companies to source, then negotiate value, move to exchange and finally track the shipment of goods, for which Quickerexchange will take a pre-determined percentage of the value split between each company prior to exchanging. With 18 groups and a combined category list of 939 individual trading types with further definitions as sub-categories for brands and product descriptions. Companies will be able to list products on Quickerexchange knowing there is a mediator and digital records tracking the whole process from start to finish.
Part of any success story is to know everything about your business market. Not everything goes to plan because if it did, we’d all be in business! Problems arise that are not foreseen and can escalate out of proportion. Having a vital tool like Quickerexchange to hand, could literally mean staying in business. All products or materials have a monetary value, companies use these assets to make products or sell and release cash previously invested. It is important to remember Quickerexchange is not designed for companies to profit; Quickertrade has been designed for that purpose. Instead Quickerechange is designed as a release valve, for companies to exchange goods and materials that would otherwise lay dormant. It also offers a vital portal to network resources, increasing the likelihood of use. Through this network, a new business community is created, that becomes self-aware of market changes through monitoring product and movement material. This provides for analytical data that can offer more insight into current market trends.
Rates to Exchange
Quickergroup works to handling fees, like all other trade to trade platforms. Quickerexchange works to categories identical to Quickertrade, which means 18 groups and a combined category list of 939 individual trading types with further definitions as sub-categories for brands and product descriptions. These fees range, from 1.99% to 4.99% of the gross value of any consignment(s) and these percentages are set to each group. There are thresholds at Quickerexchange, with a minimum value allowed for each consignment. If the value is below the minimum allowed, companies need to use Quickertrade. Fees payable in advance of shipping will be invoiced and divided equally between users/ companies. Quickerexchange will mediate multiple exchanges between companies.
Our Vision to Handle
Quickergroup works with some of the biggest transport logistic companies in the world. Any consignment(s) no matter how large or small can be handled by Quickergroup based on information supplied. Because Quickergroup has multiple platforms using logistic services, our ability to offer cheaper shipping is logical and makes for good business sense. We appreciate profit and loss, through greater understanding and helping productivity to achieve future goals; we will create lasting business relations. Quickerexchange is the tool to deliver.