Join the fastest growing Vietnamese trade initiative

For all Vietnamese based companies, Quickergroup is accepting FREE company registrations. Before proceeding please make sure you read and fully understand the following:

  • You are authorized to act for your company.
  • The company is Vietnamese based with a Vietnam trading address.
  • All Goods made and Services provided are done so in Vietnam.
  • Have taxes payable to the Vietnamese government.
  • Company Registration number
  • VAT Registration number

Thank you for registering your company interest in Quickergroup, part of a new international trade initiative.

NOTE: If for any reason(s), you would prefer to email Quickergroup direct. Please email [email protected], if your query is registration-related otherwise use [email protected].

Vietnam Company Register

Register your inquiry with Quickergroup. Feel free to fill out the form and a representative will contact you directly. *Please note: We reserve the right to reject applications without notification or reason(s).


Company Details

Please select the services you are interested in registering with

Contact Addresses


In order for Quickergroup to extend full support towards registration, we request the following information

Please include [Country] and [Area] code
Please include [Country] and [Area] code
Company website or domain name for example: (

Check, Secure & Submit

Please take time to check all the information entered before you 'Submit'. As part of the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), all information is immediately exported and stored offsite for security reasons.


Quickergroup is on the move through strength in numbers and unification. Vietnam’s time has arrived and the world waits with great anticipation. Sign up today and become part of an incredible initiative that safeguards and protects the future of Vietnamese children, families and their communities.

Make Business Happen for your Company